terrific la gi

I'm sure he was under a terrific amount of both metabolic and emotional stress.

Actually 'terrific' must be used with considerable circumspection.

Bạn đang xem: terrific la gi

He also complained of a "terrific headache" at the back of his head on the right side.

He had a terrific capacity for creative participation with others, but especially those who had some of the roughest đơn hàng in life.

Villiers was struck by the terrific din and powerful odour.

We are grateful vĩ đại several colleagues for pre-submission reviews of the manuscript, and vĩ đại a terrific group of undergraduate field assistants (too numerous vĩ đại list).

Emotion words may work in a similar vein as one might use the word "terrific" in a negative sense as a marker for an extreme sự kiện - "one terrific storm".

Reading between the lines of the paper here, it sounds terrific, and such a book could readily become a classic case study across a range of tourist and heritage-related topics.

Xem thêm: Bongdalu: Trang web hàng đầu về tin tức và trực tiếp bóng đá

We have absolutely terrific rates of increase here - between 17 % and 18 % in commitment appropriations and around 10 % in payment appropriations.

You are a terrific speaker, and you are very convincing.

The level of poverty therefore remains high and the indices for the social situation are thus not terrific.

I would also lượt thích vĩ đại thank the shadow rapporteurs for my report for their cooperation, as well, in particular, as the staff, who were terrific.

In particular, we must also improve young people’s mobility by facilitating university exchanges and having people benefit from the terrific experience constituted by career routes vĩ đại the professions.

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The acceleration in the pace of company growth, start-ups by highly innovative businesses and the terrific tốc độ of industrial change all require more efficient risk capital markets.

We have vĩ đại consider that against the background of the terrific waste of time that it involves.

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