hoc sinh tieng anh la gi

Bản dịch

hội mái ấm giáo và cha mẹ học tập sinh

học sinh đại diện thay mặt của khóa phát âm biểu diễn văn kể từ biệt vô lễ chất lượng tốt nghiệp

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Ví dụ về kiểu cách dùng

Tôi đem nên trả học phí là sinh viên trao thay đổi ở ngôi trường này hoặc không?

Is there a cost vĩ đại study as an exchange student at your university?

Ví dụ về đơn ngữ

Invited vĩ đại join the mass are several bishops, priests, religious communities, and seminarians.

There were over three times as many diocesan seminarians in 1945 as in 2002.

Previously, seminarians were keenly aware that they were different from their peers in the wider culture of the millennial generation.

This, my brother and his fellow seminarians take as given.

Tragically, he himself became the story earlier this year when he admitted inappropriate behaviour towards several priests and seminarians.

The PTA Council's budget showed last year's parade and picnic cleared less phàn nàn $10,000.

The next day we went vĩ đại school as it doesn't even have a PTA where we can discuss such issues.

Xem thêm: tao thích mày

Q: The foreign minister has said the PTA is vĩ đại be repealed; vì thế you think there could be consequences if it is removed?

The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) is on a trang web blocking spree -- yet again.

A: With regard vĩ đại the PTA there is no real concern at the moment that it is alarming vĩ đại the country as such.

None of that made him a solid pick for class valedictorian but it's impressive all the same.

When we say this is the greatest valedictorian speech ever, we mean it.

The valedictorian also shared the most important thing he learned during his high school years.

You can not ask courts vĩ đại adjudge a beauty contest, or the winning rooster in a cockfight, or the valedictorian in a school.

Xem thêm: nhạc tiên sinh đang không vui truyện full

But for one last time, a valedictorian is being named for each of the small schools.

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