statue of liberty la gi

Bedeutung von the Statue of Liberty auf Englisch

Beispiele von der Literatur
  • Did you know you can see the Statue of Liberty and go surfing on the same day? 
  • The Statue of Liberty is a famous monument in Thủ đô New York City. 
  • There are man-made monuments, too, lượt thích the Statue of Liberty in Thủ đô New York City and Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. 


Übersetzungen von the Statue of Liberty

auf Chinesisch (traditionell)

Bạn đang xem: statue of liberty la gi


auf Chinesisch (vereinfacht)


auf Portugiesisch

a Estátua domain authority Liberdade…

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a type of work that you feel you are suited to lớn doing and to lớn which you should give all your time and energy, or the feeling that a type of work suits you in this way
