ddong mo son tay


Những kể từ và cụm kể từ này còn có tương quan cho tới mom. Nhấn nhập kể từ hoặc cụm kể từ bất kì nhằm tiếp cận trang tự vị kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan của bọn chúng. Hoặc, tiếp cận khái niệm của mom.


His eyes filled with tears when he saw his mom and dad.

Bạn đang xem: ddong mo son tay

Các kể từ đồng nghĩa tương quan và những ví dụ


My parents died when I was young.

biological parent

Some children are raised by grandparents or other family members, instead of their biological parents.

adoptive parent

When he was 7 months old, his mother gave him up lớn his adoptive parents.


My father fully supports my life choices.

dad informal

I'll ask my dad if I can borrow the xế hộp.

mummy UK

Mummy, may I go outside lớn play?

mommy US

Mommy, I'm hungry.


Daddy, may I have a snack?

mama UK old-fashioned

Mama, can I go out and play?

papa UK old-fashioned

I will ask Papa if I can go.


She has two step-parents: her mother's second husband and her father's second wife.


Her stepmother walked her down the aisle at her wedding.


He's my stepfather - my parents divorced when I was quite young.


My folks are away this weekend.


He is the progenitor of a family which has filled a large place in the town's history.


Please have your legal guardian sign the papers and return them.

See words related lớn mom

Tìm hiểu thêm

These are people who are related lớn one another. Your parents are the people who took care of you throughout your childhood. Your child is the person you take care of throughout their childhood. If you have more kêu ca one child, they are siblings. Your parents' parents are your grandparents and you are their grandchild. Other people in your family are called your relatives.

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